Mensaje de error

Deprecated function: Optional parameter $path declared before required parameter $langcode is implicitly treated as a required parameter en include_once() (línea 1445 de /mnt/web424/a0/12/51593012/htdocs/main/includes/


‘Railway Erasmus’ scheme proposed to tackle the sector’s skills shortage

Railway Gazette - Mié, 10/30/2024 - 13:00
EUROPE: A ‘Railway Erasmus’ scheme providing people undertaking railway-related studies, apprenticeships or internships with an opportunity to experience other countries is among the recommendations of the final report of the Skill Training Alliance For the Future European Rail System project.
Categorías: Extranjero

‘Sleep in Motion’ night train concept launched

Railway Gazette - Mié, 10/30/2024 - 10:00
EUROPE: A ‘groundbreaking’ concept for high-capacity overnight trains has been unveiled by Škoda Group. Developed by designers in the Austrian arm of the company, the ‘Sleep in Motion’ proposal features a double-deck coach with pairs of single-berth cubicles stacked one above the other on each side of a central corridor ...
Categorías: Extranjero

High speed lines add to National Day celebrations

Railway Gazette - Mié, 10/30/2024 - 06:00
CHINA: The 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic on October 1 saw three days of public holidays marked by the opening of several high speed lines.
Categorías: Extranjero

Moroccan high speed line track component contracts awarded

Railway Gazette - Mar, 10/29/2024 - 13:00
MOROCCO: National railway ONCF has awarded Vossloh two contracts to supply track components for the construction of a 320 km/h high speed line between Casablanca and Marrakech.
Categorías: Extranjero
